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Universal Office - Backing up the system

To backup Universal Office, you can copy the whole 'Universal' folder to your chosen backup media. Make sure the contents of the whole Universal folder and all sub folders are included.

To protect your data from theft, fire, flood or accidents always keep a backup of your data offsite in a secure location.
The examples below show some different ways to backup your data:

Below are a few backup options available:

USB drive

Removable USB storage device: USB storage devices are a low cost option. They are small and easy to use and can be easily taken off site and stored safely.

External hard drive

External hard drive: An external hard drive is a portable storage device that can be attached to a computer through a USB or wirelessly. External hard drives typically have high storage capacities and are often used to back up computers.

Cloud backup service

Cloud storage backup is a strategy for backing up data that involves removing data offsite to a managed service provider for protection. It can either replace or complement on-premise backups.