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Universal - Create a custom property search

If you want your web designer to create a customised property search then we can give access to your FTP account, see below for details on this.

What we can offer the customers Web designer:

  • Access to a read only FTP account
  • A Property flat data text file
  • A fields definition document
  • Access to images inside the FTP account associated with the properties
  • FTP account is updated every time the agent does a sync through Universal

How to get access to the FTP account:

  1. Require permission from the agents email account
  2. Contact us on for access to the field definition text file

IMPORTANT: Extra fields can be added to the software changing the layout of the text file, so updates to the script maybe required. We do not provide notifications for updates.

WordPress plugin

If your website is being built on the wordpress platform there is a third party plugin available. Please contact us for more details.