Training & support

Universal is designed to be easy to use but also has features which some clients may need extra help with. Thesaurus Technology's support team provide help in every area of the software.

Help desk telephone support

Unlimited phone support is provided by Thesaurus Technology between the hours:

  • Monday to Friday: 9.00am and 5.30pm
  • Saturdays: 10.00am - 4.00pm

"Online training sessions are a great way to help agents get upto speed with Universal. We can tailor the session to the user’s ability and experiencing, so to maximise their benefit from the training. We can provide a general overview or focus on specific areas."

Paul Farthing
Technical Help Desk Advisor

What types support is available?

Phone Support

Unlimited phone support is included in ALL subscriptions to Universal.

Call 01423 50 99 85 and a member of the support team will be willing to help you.

Raise a support query  

Online Help & Videos

Universal has a built in help facility. Simple press F1 when in Universal.

Videos are also available to help customers use Universal.

View online videos  

Remote Training

Remote training is available to new, existing and potential customers.

Training lasts 1-2 hour's and can involve a detailed look or a simple overview.

Book Training  

Who is the training open to?

Thesaurus Technology provides training and support to ALL it's customers new and old. Free demonstrations are also available to agents who are evaluating Universal.

Remote training

Thesaurus Technology provide online remote training to new, existing and potential customers. A training session usually lasts for 1-2 hours and can involve a detailed look or just an overview of the software. The training is done over the internet whilst the customer is on the phone. A facility is set up so the customer can simply connect to a computer in Thesaurus Technology's offices so both parties see the same screen.

This allows for the customer to see what can be done and see how easy it is. It allows for better communication as both parties can see the same screen and any points can be clarified or discussed there and then over the phone.

Online training is charged at £40 + vat per hour.


Customer feedback

Fantastic - having taken over a department with lots of inherited problems I now feel confident to move forward - He was very patient and answered my queries in a way I was able to understand. Brilliant, confident my staff get a good over view when joining. Good value for money as so much is crammed in!!!!
Customer review
Quayles Estate Agents
I had a couple of hours before the training session to familiarize myself with the platform, which I advised him about. He tailored his training based on that fact and he went through the points that I would need on a day to day basis along with some of the other sections that would be beneficial for me to be aware of.
Customer review
D.J Alexander
The session was very clear and information passed from the trainer was also of good quality.
Customer review
Home Hopper Lettings
Our training session for very helpful. Ben answered all our questions and covered a wide range of topics.
Customer review
Fixed Price

Email support

Email support is provided by Thesaurus Technology's support team -



Most training is done over the telephone but 'Skype Voice Call' is available if preferred.