Training videos

On this page you will find video demonstrations on all areas of the software.

Click on the relevant boxes below to see the a short video demonstration about a specific topic.

"The online training videos provide customers with an excellent overview overview of some of the key areas within our system. They are great for new users to the software, or those who need an overview. As we update the software, we will also update the videos.

Richard Sunda
Technical Help Desk Advisor

YouTube Channel

As well as the videos show below, we also have a range of videos on our YouTube channel. You can subscribe to the YouTube channel to get alerts when we release new help videos. If you have any comments or suggestions for new help videos, please get in touch and let us know.



Stage 1 - The basics & setup of the software

1. Logging on

 Downloading your shortcut

 Running the anywhere helper

 New features

2. Navigation

 Navigation menu

 Common buttons

 Using filters

3. Initial setup

 Adding users

 Populate default fields

 Setting up emails

4. Adding images

 Upload your images

 Associating images


5. Diary

 Adding appointments

 Viewings & follow-ups

 Email confirmations

6. Brochures

 Create a new template



Stage 2 - Key areas of the system

7. Valuation

 Adding a valuation

 Win the instruction


8. Property

 Create a new record

 Descriptions & images

 Key features

9. Applicant

 Create a new record

 Add a solicitor


10. Property match

 Email match

 Generate template

 Bulk matching

11. Progression

 Offer process

 Memorandum of sale


12. Reminders

 Overview of reminders

 'Go to' links

 User specific

13. Tasks

 Create a task

 Re-occurring tasks

 Tasks & the diary

Stage 3 - Rentals management

14. Basics

 Adding property/landlord

 Link the records

 Converting applicant to tenant

15. Tenancy

 Initial setup

 Tenancy agreement

 Rent collection schedule

16. Deposit

 Receive deposit

 Manage deposit

 Return deposit

17. Rent collection

 Posting rent

 Receiving rent

 Viewing rent

18. Invoices

 Setup invoice

 Applying fees

 Print or email invoice

19. Statements

 Item breakdown

 Landlord statements

 Tenant statements

20. Receive payment

 Multiple payments

 Payments from deposits

 Over paying/under pay

21. Bills

 Adding suppliers

 Adding items

 Paying bills

22. Make payments

 Paying landlords

 Items to deduct

 Generate remittance

23. Renew/End

 Renew a tenancy

 Give notice

 End tenancy

24. Bank account

 Bank statements

 Transfer funds

 Reconcile bank accounts

25. Adhoc rent

 Create the rent collection


 Receive payment